School Advisory Council
SAC Chairperson - Barbara Stiles
Every school in Florida must have a School Advisory Council. The council consists of teachers, parents, administrators and community members. The SAC must be representative of the school’s community, so the racial/ethnic makeup of the Sac must reflect the racial/ethnic makeup of the student population.
The purpose of the SAC is as follows:
- Assist the principal in developing and evaluating the School Improvement Plan
- Decide how funds for school improvement will be spent
- Assist in prioritizing the needs of the school
- Assist in developing strategies to improve the areas of need
- Select and/or develop long- range objectives
- Assist in the preparation of the annual school budget
What are the responsibilities of a SAC member?
- Work with parents, staff, administration and other community representatives to assist in the development of the School Improvement Plan.
- Participate in activities and training related to learning about the school improvement process
- Participate in efforts to encourage support for the goals of the school
SAC Bylaws - Click Here