Regular attendance is required by law. When a child is absent, parents are requested to notify the school by 8:30 AM on the day of the absence. Written excuses are required when the student returns to school. Notify the school if your child is absent in excess of 3 consecutive days. When students accumulate 5 unexcused absences, the school shall notify the parent and must institute interventions. If the student accumulates 10 unexcused absences, the school MUST report the student to the school social worker who will arrange a meeting with the parent. When the student accumulates 15 days of unexcused absences the student will be reported to CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services) as a habitual truant. For long term illness a student may be eligible for hospital homebound services.
If a student is to be confined to the hospital or home by a licensed physician for a minimum of fifteen (15) school days due to illness or injury, the student may be eligible for the Hospital Homebound school program. This program provides instruction in the home/hospital or through a teleconference class via the telephone system. Homebound application forms may be obtained from the counselor or the Home bound office for processing. Excessive absences will be reported to the social worker.
The school day starts at 8:30 AM. It is important for your child to be on time. While we realize that there may be occasions when your child may be late, continuing tardiness is a serious problem. Students who are tardy must be brought to the office by a parent to obtain a tardy pass. Please let the school know the reason for the tardies. Parents will be contacted by school officials if a student is consistently tardy without an excuse. Students who are habitually tardy may be required to make up the time after school, and excessive tardies will be reported to the social worker for investigation.
Parents should be aware that early pick up from school is counted as a tardy. They are recorded and reported the same way as described above for being late to school.